Are You Trying to Conceive Yet Being Unsuccessful? Here's How IVF Can Help

Are You Trying to Conceive Yet Being Unsuccessful? Here's How IVF Can Help

When you are prepared to begin a family but are unable to conceive, it can be an exasperating and daunting experience. This is especially true if you have already tried conventional methods such as frequent intercourse during your fertile period, monitoring your temperature every morning, and utilizing tools like ovulation predictor kits and tracking applications. This situation may prompt you to question whether it is a medical issue or whether you need to be more patient. It is essential to understand that you are not alone since one out of every eight couples struggles with infertility. A reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist can help you determine the potential factors affecting your ability to conceive and when you should start considering infertility treatment.

Medical Conditions Affecting Infertility

Infertility may be caused by one or more factors, with the following being the most prevalent issues:

1. Fallopian tube obstruction

Fallopian tube blockage or scarring hinders sperm from reaching the egg and is a common factor contributing to infertility, particularly among African Americans. Your risk for fallopian tube obstruction increases if you have a history of pelvic infection, sexually transmitted disease, or endometriosis.

2. Uterine abnormality

If the uterine has an abnormality, it may be challenging for a fertilised egg to attach to the uterine wall. The abnormality can result from uterine fibroids (noncancerous growths on the uterine wall) or scar tissue resulting from surgery or infection. It is also possible that the irregular shape of the uterus is a natural occurrence.


3. Ovulation disorder

Ovulation may not occur regularly or consistently for some women. Sporadic menstrual cycles could result from conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hormonal imbalances, or obesity. Excessive exercise, stress, or low body weight may also affect ovulation.

4. Male factor

Male factor infertility is the cause of over 30 percent of infertility cases, which could result from issues with sperm, such as low sperm count, abnormal movement, or shape. Several factors, including medical conditions such as diabetes, unhealthy habits like heavy drinking and smoking, and trauma, can contribute to male factor infertility.

How does IVF work?

In vitro fertilisation, commonly known as IVF, is a kind of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that you can find in any test tube baby centre in Delhi. This method involves using medications and surgical procedures to facilitate the fertilisation of an egg by sperm and the implantation of the fertilised egg into the uterus.

Also Read: IVF Failure Reasons You Need to Know

Initially, a medication is administered to stimulate the maturation of multiple eggs for fertilisation. Afterward, the eggs are retrieved from your body and combined with sperm in a laboratory to facilitate fertilisation. Finally, one or more fertilised eggs, also known as embryos, are inserted directly into your uterus, and if any of them successfully attach to the uterine lining, pregnancy occurs

Ready to Meet Your Little Miracle? Let Benison IVF Guide You on Your Path to Parenthood!

Are you dreaming of holding your little one in your arms but struggling to conceive? Don't give up hope! Benison IVF, the best test tube baby centre in Delhi, is here to make your dream a reality. Our team of experienced fertility specialists uses cutting-edge technology and personalized treatments to help you overcome any obstacle to parenthood. Let us be your partner on this exciting journey, and start your family today. Book your consultation now, and let's make your dream come true together!


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