Struggling To Conceive - Understand the Importance of IVF

Struggling To Conceive - Understand the Importance of IVF

Infertility was taboo in our nation a few decades ago. With changing dynamics and westernization this reality has also altered. As the number of infertility cases in our society has increased significantly, there is an urgent desire from every corner to learn how an IVF treatment can assist men and women overcome infertility difficulties through IVF techniques.

What is IVF?

An assisted reproductive technology is known as IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization helps couples struggling to conceive, realize their dream of parenthood.

IVF is a laboratory procedure, in which sperm and eggs are fertilized, outside the body in a culture dish. According to the individual's level of complexity, it may include sperm, embryos, or eggs from the donor. After fertilization, the embryo is implanted in the uterus where it grows into a foetus. Fourteen days following the IVF procedure, the IVF doctor conducts a blood test to ensure the mother has conceived.

Importance of IVF Treatment

IVF treatment is a ray of hope in the dark for couples unable to conceive naturally. Pregnancy is induced, in infertile couples with the use of this assisted reproductive technology.

Many variables influence the success rate of IVF therapy. An IVF specialist needs to be aware of the patient's biological risks and history, as well as their capability to generate eggs or sperm, endometrial abnormalities, and so on. 

An infertility diagnosis and treatment plan is developed using this information.

What are the stages of IVF Treatment?

The IVF cycle is divided into four stages: 

  • Ovarian Stimulation - Stimulation of the ovaries is the first stage in IVF therapy. On the second day of the menstrual cycle, the ovaries are stimulated. It is common for this period to extend between 12-14 days. During this period, regular injections of hormones are delivered to the female partner to increase the number of eggs she produces. During this time the patient will be subject to a slew of testing, inclusive of hormonal testing and ultrasounds.
  • Egg collection - Oocyte retrieval takes place 35 hours after HCG injections are delivered. Because it's done under anesthesia, this surgery necessitates a trip to the hospital. After the procedure, you'll need to take painkillers for the rest of the day.
  • Egg retrieval - The male partner's sperm is collected and sent to a lab for analysis. The egg retrieval process is performed at the same time as this operation.
  • Insemination - Eggs or oocytes are mixed with sperm retrieved from the male partner in a laboratory setting for fertilization. To assist fertilization, this combination is maintained in the incubator.
  • Embryo Placement - After fertilization, the embryos are examined and then transported to the uterus via the cervix. The leftover embryos are subsequently frozen or cryogenically preserved for future use.

What are the benefits of 3 Full Cycles of IVF?

IVF therapy involves the stimulation of the ovaries, egg harvesting, insemination, and transfer of embryos. It has a success rate of more than 60%. In addition, since each person's body uniquely reacts to therapy, results are also variable from patient to patient. There is a 30 percent likelihood of success in a given cycle. Three full cycles of IVF have a cumulative impact that enhances the odds of conceiving.

Welcome the good news with Benison IVF Clinic 

With a high percentage of IVF success and significant knowledge in treating both male and female infertility, Benison IVF Clinic, the best IVF centre in Delhi NCR, is the right choice for you if you wish to opt for IVF treatment.


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